All dogs must current on vaccines prior to stay and have proof from a veterinarian including a rabies certificate.  All vaccines MUST be given by a Veterinarian and faxed or emailed prior to arrival.

Vaccines include:
Dhpp or Dhlpp

Daily Rate: (Complimentary bath after 10 day stay)       
1 dog: $33.00 a day 
2 dogs in same run: $30.00 a day per dog (no food aggression)
3 dogs in same run: $27.00 a day per dog (no food aggression)

Check In/Out: Monday-Friday 9am-11am or 4-6pm  Saturday & Sunday 9am-11am or 5pm       
Holiday hours are subject to change.  Deposits may be required.

You will not be charged a day if you pick up in the am.

Medications must be provided and can be given at a charge of $2.00 a day
Diabetic animals must provide insulin and syringes and injections will be given at $2.00 an injection.

All cats must be current on vaccines prior to stay and have proof from a veterinarian including a rabies certificate. All vaccines MUST be given by a Veterinarian and be faxed prior to arrival.

Vaccines include:

Daily Rate:   
1 dog: $17.00 a day 
2 or more in same run: $15.00 a day per cat (no food aggression and eat same food)

Check In/Out: Monday-Friday 9am-11am or 4-6pm  Saturday & Sunday 9am-11am or 5pm       
Holiday hours are subject to change.  Deposits may be required.

You will not be charged a day if you pick up in the am.

Medications must be provided and can be given at a charge of $2.00 a day
Diabetic animals must provide insulin and syringes and injections will be given at $2.00 an injection.

Pet Boarding Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions are made and entered into by and between The Wright Pet Resort, LLC, a Limited Liability Company in Pennsylvania, and the person(s) identified as the “Pet Owner".  This Agreement applies to all visits by your pet to The Wright Pet Resort.

The Wright Pet Resort provides pet boarding services. The Owners hereby engages The Wright Pet Resort to provide the services for his or her pet(s) as set forth on the website, the information sheet provided to the owner, the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in any supplemental pet information or reservation forms provided in connection with this Agreement by The Wright Pet Resort.

Owner agrees to pay all fees for boarding on the drop off day.  Veterinary care or other services owed on the day of pick up. If you decide to pick your pet up early, you will still be charged for the full time reserved. 
During peak times (Memorial Day through Labor Day) and Holidays,  there will be a 4 day minimum stay.  You can reserve for 1 day, 2 days, or 3 days but we will charge for 4 days during the peak time. 

If you need to cancel your reservation, please do so at least 5 days prior to your arrival date. The Wright Pet Resort reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee (at least 1/2 of your booked reservation).  Deposits may be required and all open invoices must be paid prior to making another reservation.  Deposits will be non-refundable if you cancel your reservation without 5 days notice of your arrival date.

Health and Vaccinations
Owner represents to The Wright Pet Resort that, to the Owner’s knowledge, your pet has not been exposed to any contagious diseases within a thirty-day period prior to check-in. The Wright Pet Resort reserves the right to refuse to accept a dog at check-in for any reason, including without limit, if it appears to us the pet is sick, injured, in pain, or that its behavior could jeopardize the health or safety of other pets or our staff.  Owner acknowledges that the pet is current on all required vaccinations as per The Wright Pet Resort requires. Owner agrees to provide documents confirming such vaccinations.  Owner understands that all pets at The Wright Pet Resort are fully vaccinated as allowed by their veterinarian, however, it is still possible for your pet to become ill, even if vaccinated.  Owner understands that this is not due to any circumstance or condition at The Wright Pet Resort and agrees to not hold The Wright Pet Resort liable in the event your dog becomes ill during or after his/her stay.  If at any time your pet is found to have fleas or ticks, The Wright Pet Resort may provide the appropriate flea or tick removal treatment, and you authorize us to provide such service at your additional expense.

Emergency Medical Treatment
Owner acknowledges that, in the unlikely event your pet becomes ill or injured, or if your pet has a pre-existing condition which is aggravated by its stay, and requires professional attention, we will attempt to notify you or your Emergency Contact at the phone numbers you provided.  The Wright Pet Resort, at its sole discretion, may engage the services of a 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic or a veterinarian of our choice and/or administer medicine or give other necessary attention to your pet, and you authorize us to provide any such service at your additional expense. In cases we believe to be critical, we may take your dog to the veterinarian first before trying to contact you.  If you refuse medical treatment for your dog, The Wright Pet Resort, at its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian and/or administer medicine to make your dog as comfortable as possible until picked up by you or your Emergency Contact, and you authorize us to provide any such service at your additional expense. If we cannot reach you or your Emergency Contact, we will make healthcare decisions for your pet based on the recommendations of available professionals. In the unfortunate event that your dog passes away at The Wright Pet Resort, we will make arrangements at a nearby Veterinary hospital to keep your pet at their facility until you return. If you would not like us to notify you while you are away or you would like us to make other arrangements, please let us know in writing so that we may best know how to accommodate you.

Emergency or Natural Disaster
In an emergency or natural disaster, every effort will be made to contact you or your
Emergency Contact to retrieve your dog. You agree that The Wright Pet Resort, at its sole discretion, is authorized to transport, and/or to make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for your pet until you or your Emergency Contact can retrieve your pet. You understand it may not always be possible to safely evacuate your pet.

Group Activity
Owner understands that while your dog is staying at The Wright Pet Resort, he or she will come into contact with other dogs. Every effort will be made to ensure the safety of our guests. Owner acknowledges that, in the unlikely event your dog is injured by another dog, you release The Wright Pet Resort from any liability for such injury.  If your dog injures another dog, you will be solely responsible for any injury to the other dog(s) as well as your own dog, and you release The Wright Pet Resort from any liability for such injury.

Dog Behavior
Owner agrees that if dog becomes aggressive, destructive or disruptive, or acts in any manner that puts The Wright Pet Resort and our representatives and employees in any danger, we will attempt to notify you or your Emergency Contact to make other arrangements for your dog.  If your pet causes any damage to the property of The Wright Pet Resort, owner agrees to pay for the damage to be repaired or replaced.  Owner acknowledges that dogs that are kenneled together are from the same household only. Owner assumes all responsibility for any aggressive behavior, fighting or injury that one dog may inflict upon another while they are together. The Wright Pet Resort reserves the right to separate any dogs who are boarding together at our discretion for the dogs’ own safety. If your dogs are not compatible boarding in the same kennel unit, you will be billed and responsible for the cost of more than one kennel. Please be aware, that if you choose to board your pets together in the same run, no one is here overnight.  Usually between the hours of 9pm - 7am.  If your pets have a medical emergency or become aggressive to each other, we will not be here to help.  Although it may be rare that your pets may disagree at times, there is always a chance and we want to try to ensure a safe stay.

Photos and Video Release
Owner agrees to allow The Wright Pet Resort and our representatives and employees to use his or her dog’s name and any images or likeness of his or her pet taken while the pet is staying at The Wright Pet Resort, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials.

Personal Property
Owner agrees that The Wright Pet Resort and our representatives and employees will not be liable or responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged personal property belonging either to the owner or the pet. Owner also understands and agrees that the dog’s collar may be removed in the kennel and play areas to prevent injury to the dog.  Owners are also responsible for damage to any items or property of The Wright Pet Resort more than $100. 

"Prohibits abandoning or attempting to abandon any dog. Dog left with vet or boarding kennel for more than 10 days after owner is given written notice may be given to humane society, pound or SPCA, which may euthanize or adopt out after 48 hours."

More specifically described in the PA Dog Laws pertaining to dog abandonment
§ 459-601. Theft; poison; abandonment of animals by owner
(c) Abandonment of animals by owner.–
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon or attempt to abandon any dog within the Commonwealth. Anyone convicted of abandoning or attempting to abandon any dog within the Commonwealth shall pay a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $1,000, plus costs.

Owner agrees that you have read this entirely, you have had the
opportunity to discuss it with us to your satisfaction, and you agree to the terms.

Q: What should I bring with my pet for their stay?
A: Food is the only thing required.  You may bring treats, toys, bed, blankets, etc if you would like.  We do provide food and water dishes.  We also              provide a bed and blanket for each dog.  We provide litter and litter boxes for the cats.

Q: Does your building have heat and air conditioning?
A: Yes both the dog and cat boarding buildings are heated and air conditioned.

Q:  Will my dog be able to play with other dogs?
A: Yes your dogs can join in play time with other dogs.  We do a test first to make sure that they are in the correct play group so we do not stress             them out.  Our play groups are according to size and weight as well.  We are with them at all times to monitor the group play.

Q:  How many times does my dog go out for potty breaks?
A: We try to get the dogs out 5 times throughout the day into the play yard.  We start the day at 7am and conclude at 9pm.  

Q: Can I tour your facility?
A: Yes we accept tours.  You must call first to make sure we are not interrrupting play time or quiet time for the dogs.

Q: Does my cat stay in a different building than the dogs?
A: Yes, cats are lodged in a differnt building. 

Q: Is anyone there overnight?
A: No, no one is on premise overnight.  We usually leave at 9pm and arrive back at 7am.  Both building have cameras.  The nightlights and radios           are kept on to keep them calm and relaxed overnight.

Q: Can you give medications to my pet?
A: Yes.  If your pet is on medications, we ask that you bring them in a labeled bottle with the correct dosing instructions.  You should also bring along       anything you may hide the medicaiton in such as peanutbutter, pill pockets, cheese, etc.  

Q: Can my pets stay together?
A: Yes, we do allow families to board their pets together as long as there is no food aggression or 1 dog may eat very fast and the other dog eats             slower.  We are not able to sit with them and feed them separetly if you choose to board them in the same run.  Cats must be able to eat the same       food if you would like them to stay together.  

Pet Boarding Agreement 

Owner Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________    State: ______________ Zip: ________________

Primary Phone Number: __________________________________________    Home         Cell    

Alternate Phone Number: _________________________________________   Home          Cell    

Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name(s): ____________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Phone: _______________________________   2) ____________________________

Names of persons authorized to pick up ____________________________________________________________

Veterinary Hospital: _____________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________

Pet Information

(fill out this page for each individual Pet)

Pets' Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Breed: ____________________________________    Color: __________________________________

Age/Birthdate: ______________________________  Gender:  ⃝ Male   ⃝ Female  ⃝ Spay/Neutered

Food Provided:    ⃝   Owner       ⃝  The Wright Pet Resort ($2.00 a day charge)

How much do you feed your pet? ________________________________________________________

How often do you feed your pet? ________________________________________________________

Allergies? ⃝ Yes  ⃝ No

            If yes, to what: ___________________________________________________________________________

Check box if any conditions apply to your pet:

⃝ Seizures    ⃝ Diabetic    ⃝ Arthritis     ⃝ Urinary Incontinence    ⃝ Blind    ⃝ Deaf

Medications? ⃝ Yes  ⃝ No  (medications provided will be given as directed at an additional $2.00 a day)

            If yes, medication type: _____________________________________________________________

            Medication Instructions: ____________________________________________________________

Reason for medicatoins: _______________________________________________________

Is your pet on Flea/Tick Medication?  ⃝ Yes  ⃝ No

Additional information (previous medical problems, habits, behavior, etc):



I, (Owners name) ____________________________________, do hereby entrust The Wright Pet Resort, LLC to care for my pet/pets (listed below).  I agree to pay the daily rate of $32 a day per dog, or $29 a day per dog if sharing a run, or $26 a day per dog if 3 or more dogs share the same run.  I agree to pay the daily rate of $17 a day per cat.          Payment is due at time of drop off.

  • I have read the terms and conditions on the website or have been given a copy upon request.
  • Please make sure that your pet is current on monthly flea, tick, and heartworm prevention.  We will not be responsible for an infection.
  • All dogs three months or older must be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year. Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $300 per violation plus court costs.  If your dog gets lost, a current license is the fastest way to get him back. The small license fee helps the millions of dogs in the state by funding the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement.
  • Refunds will not be issued if you decide to pick up earlier then what you reserved.


Drop off & Pick up Dates/times

Pet Names

Bathing (+$20.00)

Nail Trim (+$15.00)

Play Group


___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

___ /___ /___AM or PM- ___ /___ /___ AM or PM

Signature:  _________________________________________________________________